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pure water equipment中文是什么意思

用"pure water equipment"造句"pure water equipment"怎么读"pure water equipment" in a sentence


  • 纯水设备


  • After the seawater desalination equipment was successfully brought to market , our company also promoted the ultra - pure water equipment suitable for electronic and medical industry according to the demands of the market . it uses an edi membrane from american electropure co . , ltd , the conductance and ohmmeter are from hanna co . , ltd . all spare parts of equipment are made of the highest quality materials
    公司在成功地把海水淡化设备推向市场后,又应市场的需求推出了适于电子医药等行业用的超纯水设备,即jhh - edi系列。其关键器材采用美国著名的electropure公司的edi模块,及hanna公司的电导率电阻率表。其他主要配件则采用国产优质材料及配件。
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